Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dr. Herman Ridderbos (1909-2007)

Ridderbos was a true great in our own time. He ranks up there among the top 3 or 4 most influential authors in my own life. His book "Paul: An Outline of His Theology" is a powerhouse. He took Gerhaard Vos' redemptive-historical approach to the Scriptures and caused his readers to marvel at the richness of the Scriptures anew.

Sean Lucas writes:

Rev. Dr. Herman Ridderbos, one of the foremost developers of the redemptive-historical approach to Biblical theology, a hallmark of Westminster Theological Seminary, died 8 March, having celebrated his 98th birthday on 13 March. Among his more widely distributed writings were “Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures,” “Paul and Jesus,” and “Paul: An Outline of His Theology.” Reportedly Ned Stonehouse once said this of Ridderbos: “Wherever the Dutch language is read Professor Herman Ridderbos is recognized as an outstanding New Testament scholar and theologian . . .”

1 comment:

Phil Gons said...

I recently wrote a post about Ridderbos that you might find helpful: Herman Nicolaas Ridderbos.