Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day in PA.

All 5 1/2 McCrackens together on Mother's Day in Pennsylvania.

Today we worshiped at Manor Presbyterian Church where our good friend David Tate is the senior pastor. David and Cindy Tate are part of the Westminster cohort involved in the Pastor's Summit that John and I have been attending for the past 2 years. Manor Presbyterian is the 2nd oldest church in the PCA. It was a beautiful drive through the countryside to get to the church and we really enjoyed worshiping there with my mom and my sister's family.

What a blessing to be able to spend Mother's Day with my mom! (poor Hannah was patiently waiting for her bottle as we were taking snapshots). Too bad my sister's family isn't in any of these photos. They were pretty eager to get home as their youngest was pretty exhausted and melting down.

Ain't she sweet? I actually cropped this picture of Sarah out of a group shot since she was the only one in the photo looking and smiling at the camera. Gotta love editing software.

Here's Christopher running through the verdant fields surrounding the church.

Here's one of Hannah without her thumb in her mouth! You can see that she definitely got her blue eyes, fair skin and light colored hair from the McCracken side of the family.

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